My Grey Suit Editions chapbook ‘The Wreckage’ will launch in London this spring and was printed by Gaspereau Press last week. They’re beautiful: handmade paper with the gorgeous Baskerville font that my publisher nicked from a hand-sewn chapbook of Robin Robertson’s poetry. I brought copies along to the Wild Writer’s Festival and the Attic Owl reading on Tuesday night and messed them up with green scribbles from a borrowed pen. I’m delighted to be published alongside Fawzi Karim, an Iraqi poet whose collection ‘Plague Lands’ was published by Carcanet a couple of years ago and rightfully became a Poetry Book Society recommendation. He was exiled from Iraq for his western-influenced (T.S. Eliot in particular) poetry and is one of the most powerful poets I’ve come across in recent years. Grey Suit is planning a series of twelve chapbooks in all, followed by a series of critical monographs. The editor, Anthony Howell, has just published a wonderful essay on John Ashbery in The Fortnightly Review.